active shooter

Gunshots/Shots Fired

In the event that you are the victim of, a witness to, or have reason to believe that there has been a shooting incident including any firearm discharge, immediately get away from the suspect. Do not attempt to confront the suspect. Find a safe location to take refuge.

When it is safe to do so, call the Department of Public Safety at 711 from a University phone or 443-2224 from any other phone and provide the dispatcher with:

  • Your name
  • Your location
  • Your phone number
  • Details of the situation
  • A clear description of the suspect/incident, including height and weight, gender, hair color/length and presence of any facial hair, race/complexion, a clothing description, approximate age.
  • If the suspect was driving a vehicle, provide the vehicle type, color and plate number (including state) to the best of your ability, along with the direction of travel.

Follow all instructions of the responding Department of Public Safety officer or Syracuse Police officer.

If directed by SU Public Safety or Syracuse Police to “evacuate,” take the following steps:

  • Know the building in advance: Know the nearest exit. Know two ways out of the building.
  • During an extended evacuation, you may be instructed by emergency personnel to report to a designated short-term emergency evacuation center (i.e. Hendricks Chapel, Schine Student Center, Goldstein Student Center, Manley Field House, or Skybarn). Members of the Critical Incident Response Committee, Safety Officers, Public Safety, or a building coordinator will arrive at the center to act as communications liaison.
  • When you are instructed to evacuate, remain calm. Leave promptly using the nearest exit and alert other persons on your way out.
  • Meet at the designated meeting location if established for the building and account for your personnel.
  • Take keys and essential personal items.
If directed by SU Public Safety or Syracuse Police to “remain in place,” take the following steps:
  • Proceed to or remain in an office, classroom, conference room, or other area with a door.
  • Lock the door if possible.
  • Close blinds / curtains if possible.
  • Stay low, crouch or sit down in areas that are out of sight from doors and windows.
  • Note the names of all present, including the names of any visitors, so they can be accounted for later.
  • Turn off the lights and remain quiet and calm.
  • Do not open the door for anyone. Faculty and staff will be contacted by phone, radio and/or e-mail, or the Department of Public Safety or other designated University personnel and will unlock the door to the room you are in to notify you that the incident is under control and that the emergency has passed.
If the shooter is in the room – as a last resort:
  • Take action, and only when your life is in imminent danger.
  • Attempt to incapacitate the active shooter.
  • Act with physical aggression, yell and throw items at the active shooter.

How to React When Law Enforcement Arrives:

  • Officers might use pepper spray or tear gas to control the situation.
  • Officers might be armed with rifles, handguns or shotguns.
  • Officers might shout commands and might push individuals to the ground for their safety.
  • Remain calm and follow officers’ instructions.
  • Put down any items in your hands and immediately raise hands and spread fingers.
  • Keep hands visible at all times.
  • Avoid making quick movements toward officers such as attempting to hold on to them for safety.
  • Avoid pointing, screaming and/or yelling.